Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Checking IN...

I wanted to wait and do a post after I had downloaded some recent pictures I have taken of Wallace & Grommette but after a week of, "when I download the pictures.." I realized I had better post SOMETHING or else risk all my friends and fellow bloggers assuming my site is dead in the water....So here I am checking in.


The first week of September I was caught up in finishing up the last minute work on a volunteer design job that I did for the Ulman Cancer Fund's 10-THE EVENT Weekend. I helped them design the event's bike jersey. Now it is at the printer and we just have to wait for it to come back. It's a classic jersey design and they should be happy with the final product. I love seeing finished work come back from the printer and I was happy to help them out with the project.


Well after two months of hoping the pain would go away in my right shoulder and arm, I finally went to my Orthopedic Doc and was x-rayed and diagnosed with some rotator cuff issues. A month of Physical Therapy has been ordered and I am mid-way though it. The pain is less and less every day and the pain doesn't interfere with my running, just swimming and biking - so there hasn't been much of that.

In other Dr related stuff, I have my 4 month follow-up with my Oncology Doc. Nothing remarkable to note and I have graduated to 6 MONTH FOLLOW-UPS! WAHOOO!!

Tomorrow is my annual PAP and MAMOGRAM with the OB/GYN, so after that, I should only have a 6 month follow-up with the Dermatology Dr. and I should be free and clear of Dr Visits for another 6 months.

You couldn't even begin to understand how nice it is to ONLY see your Doctors 2x a year. It is it's own little slice of Heaven!

When is the last time YOU saw your Primary Dr for an annual physical?? Best Cure is PREVENTION!!!!!!!!!


Well my little running group is half-way through the program! The race (10-THE RACE 5k) is just six weeks away and everybody is doing well and making progress. We had a little 12 minute Time Trial last night at our workout and things are looking good. I have been *Ms. Organized Coordinator* these past 2 weeks and the finisher medals are being made, the T-shirts are on their way, the water bottle orders are at Specialized and the Race Entries have been filled out. It's coming together!!


It's Going...just six weekend to Marine Corps Marathon... Just 3 weeks until the Army Ten Miler. The Army Ten Miler will tell me all I need to know about how the Marathon is going to go. My goals for Race Day have gone from a new marathon PR (personal record) to simply finishing and enjoying the day!

Life Changes from Moment to Moment...You got to roll with it Baby! Come back, I have some great pictures of Wallace & Grommette and some late season roses to share with you! I promise to get to it by this weekend!

Hope you are all doing well and Living STRONG!

1 comment:

Nancy Toby said...

I just heard from the Chesapeakeman course - it's probably good you didn't swim it! It's very windy here today, the water was supposed to be very rough, and 5 people didn't make the swim cutoff time!!! :-(