Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Do as I say NOT AS I DO...


Again, I offer advice to my fellow triathletes and budding endurance junkies...

If you take a siesta from training after your first Ironman - say about 8-9 weeks and you jump back into training: THINK TWICE ABOUT DOING TWO WORKOUTS IN ONE DAY ON YOUR FIRST DAY BACK! Cause you will be very, VERY TIRED by the end of the day....

Yeah, I know ...D'OH! But I felt GOOD after 1700 yds with Team Z at the pool at 5:30AM yesterday morning and my husband was heading to the RECenter just a mile from our house for his evening workout so I just figured I would go with him and get in a nice easy 5K run on the treadmill.

NOTE: There is nothing "easy" about 5K when you have not been running steadily in about 8-9 weeks. You will suffer.

Here is the funniest part of the whole mis-adventure. I didn't EAT enough for a double workout. I should have had a small snack of fruit before I left for workout #2 but about 2 miles into my 3.1 mile SLOG on the treadmill, my stomach began to protest. LOUDLY and without any thought to how embarrassed I would be to be making such sounds in public!

One good side effect of this WORKOUT FIASCO...Dinner was VERY TASTY and I had no problems FALLING ASLEEP at the end of the day.

Only ONE (1) workout planned for today...and I already have an apple ready to snack on in prep for the workout.

Life is GOOD! LiveSTRONG!

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