In 2008, I do. But I know a few TRI-Bloggers who have been working hard this year to earn that title and they will be on the course in Ironman Florida this weekend!!
Well these folks do!
Shelley #2384
Ellie #2526
Nancy #2484
Tri-Geek Kahuna #1576
Robo-Stu #1327
Commodore #758
Tri-Mama #2297
Tri-Daddy #774
Bolder in Boulder #1269
Bev #2108
TriBoomer #1544
And from TRI-DRS:
Jeff Jackson #499?
Cathy Taylor #2504
Bill Taylor #1956
David Jones #1302
Alan Erquitt #1609
Regina Fowler #2456
Forrest Fowler #1780
Greg Bassett #1424
How on earth could I miss this?
I couldn't!! So I signed up to Volunteer at the race along with my fellow GALS and Blogger Buddy's Shawn and Linae!
I will be at the RUN STARTING MAT from 12-5 and then at the Volunteer Check-In at the FINISH LINE from 5:30 to 9PM.
From that point on, I will be a the FINISH LINE - One of many hundreds of cheering spectators watching you guys earn your IRONMAN status!!
I know you guys may not realize it but I have closely followed your roads to this year's Ironman Florida and on many a day when the chemo had me feeling like crap, or I was stuck wondering "How on Earth" I was going to get through all this treatment, you were my inspiration. Your unwavering faith and dedicated focus on the goal at hand are inspiring.
Now go out on the course, face what the Ironman Gods have to give you, remember that you will have bad moments and have *faith* that you have what it takes to get through them and keep moving forward.
You have all worked hard and the Start Line is on the horizon.
As for your finish, I leave you with this little bit of inspiration that somebody from the TRI-DEAD list posted one year. It is by far my favorite ....
A little boy and his father are walking in a event.
The little boy is tired and ask his Dad, "How much farther is the finish line?"
His Dad's reply:
"The finish line is father away than you can see but not farther than you can go!"
Live STRONG my friends and I will meet you at the finish line!!!!!!!!!
Oooh, love that quote! And you look ALMOST as cute as your kitties!!
THANKS FOR BEING THERE!!! I'm so glad someone CALM will be on hand!!
Have fun, Holly and hug everybody for me!!!!
Thanks for the offer at the finish line. Please look after me as I'll probably need a watchful eye.
mellen, you may not realize but you are already Living STRONG! I'm sorry for you diagnosis ...please feel free to write anytime you need somebody to talk to - hgannoe@aol.com
Twas a blast and so cool to meet up with everyone.
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