Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My First BRICK of the season....

For those of you who are not familiar with the term "BRICK" as it relates to triathlon training, a BRICK is any workout that combines more than one discipline of the sport (swim, bike, run) back to back.

The purpose of a BRICK is to train your body to transition from one sport to the other. I think on some levels the term BRICK is used because you are "building" endurance between disciplines, however I believe it is more likely because BRICK accurately describes what your legs feel when you start running after a 20+ mile bike ride!

So last night was the first BRICK of my training season.....

1 hour bike followed by a 2 mile run.

The bike felt good, I even managed to add a mile to my pace. 13 miles in an hour instead of the 12 mph that I have been seeing for weeks now....I'll take it!

The run after *felt* a heck of allot faster than it turned out to be. There were no instructions to take it out fast or push the pace so I just tried to adjust to being off the bike and relaxing my stride. I was just shy of a 14 minute mile.

D'OH! So sloooooowwwwww!!!

Well that is what training is get back to those sub-12 minute miles and eventually faster - off the bike.

I woke up so tired this morning. I gave Jim a kiss and said "Honey, I want to go back to bed!" He smiled and said: "Base mileage is over! Welcome to Training Season.."

He is right... 3 weeks to my first TRI of the season, Kinetic Sprint TRI just 8 weeks to Columbia Triathlon and just 10 weeks to Eagleman 70.3!!

TRI season is coming!! Time to LiveSTRONG!!

Hope you are all having a good week!

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