Friday, September 21, 2007

Roses, Bengals and Love

I have allergies, we think... that seem to have progress into some kind of lovely sinus infection OR it could be a "common cold". Either way my week has progressed from sore throat to barely able to breathe and sleeping for hours on end.

So my wonderful guy bought me a dozen roses last night - "SURPRISE: I love you, your week has sucked, Feel better!"

So how long do you think those roses lasted on the dining room table?

Until approximately 10:30AM this morning. Almost 12 hours upright - it's a new BENGAL record. I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story while I go find another box of tissues...LiveSTRONG!

My roses - PRE-Wallace...

This was the moment before the vase fell over...

Moved to the safety of the kitchen....eleven roses

Wallace & Grommette in some quieter moments....

PRESENTING: Cypress Bengals Wallace (Silvertail) ...

PRESENTING: Ms. Grommette (Silvertail)...

Beautiful Bengals and their all ours!

1 comment:

solarjo said...

Our kitties do the same thing with flowers. Got to put them in the spare room and shut the door or Zophar immediately goes to gobble them up.
Feel better soon!