It's been some time and I am trying to get caught up in general before the holiday's officially start (tomorrow) and we all get swept up in the chaos...
So where to start?
Now that Marine Corps is over, I have my sights firmly set on a few goals.
1.) Take off this extra weight and then some....
2.) Run a sub 2:45 at this year's 2008 Myrtle Beach Half Marathon (FEB'08)
3.) Get back to TRIATHLON training with IRONMAN distance in mind.
I would say the simplest goal on this list might be Gaol #2 but the speed needed to make this goal is directly tied into Goal #1 and will enhance the overall progress of Goal #3. I don't have a particular IRONMAN race picked yet with legitimate reason.
I have been pretty quiet about it in general but some of you more dedicated readers may have noticed the lack of swimming and biking that has been mentioned on the blog since about late August. There is a reason for that and it wasn't just that I was focusing on my running.
An MRI done this past Friday, confirmed this week what my Orthopedist has been suspecting for about 12 weeks now. I have a torn Rotator Cuff in my right shoulder. The pain it has been causing has been quite remarkable and has pretty much eliminated swimming and biking from my routine for the moment. The MRI also found that I had some very mild/minor cervical disc issues which are adding fuel to the fire by aggravating some nerves and giving me flare-ups of pain every once in a while. At least it has not hurt when I run so I am thankful for that.
So the next step with the Rotator Cuff tear is to continue physical therapy and get a second opinion on if surgery is necessary or if I can simply use therapy to strengthen the muscles and tendons around the shoulder and get back to the business of being a TRIATHLETE!
The MRI also revealed that my right thyroid lobe mass (which I have known about since my first CT scan back in 2005) has decided that it was not content to stay stable and had shown some growth in the last 6 months. Obviously it wants some attention - so it will get some.
The good news - 95% of thyroid growths are benign AND the odds of Melanoma metastasizing to the Thyroid gland are so rare that you can only find 2 instances on google... (I know, I looked, of course - wouldn't you?) so I expect nothing remarkable to come of this bit of growth. Just one or two more "procedures" to "knotch in my belt" if you know what I mean.
I HAVE A COLD (snif, snif)...
These last two days have SUCKED! I have a mini FLU or some kind of virus running through my system that has cause Fever, aches, pains and a very raw sore throat. Funny how dumb-struck I was when I thought "Man, I feel awful" and then thought "I can't believe that I used to feel like this 3 days a week for a whole year?" Oh the joys of Interferon, naturally made by your own body...NOT!
Talk about being reminded of how far you have come and how LUCKY you truly are?
Giving THANKS comes in many unexpected ways.....
I'll leave you now with a lovely picture of Ms. Grommette - doing what many of you will be doing tomorrow afternoon around 4PM, stuffed to the gills with good food and good company!
Life is GOOD! LiveSTRONG! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
i love wallace and ms. grommette!
Good luck for a fast recovery of your torn rotator cuff.
Stay tuned...
Hope the PT goes well with the shoulder and your neck heals well, too.
Having cervical degeneration myself I know full well how that can affect cycling.
Thos are lovely photos of PC. Brings back memories of my first triathlon! --jsoulnh
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