Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This seems to have become a habit

Not posting to my blog seems to have become a habit...a bad habit. But I guess in some ways it is a really good thing. I am busy working, training for Ironman USA, getting another season of CANCER to 5K off and running and planning a wedding. (less than 12 weeks!!!)

My life is FULL and I would yell "tilt" except that I am so honestly THANKFUL to have a life this busy again. I am happy that I can get up and swim for an hour, work an 8 hour day, head back to the gym for a 45 minute run/bike and then come home, eat dinner with Jim, play with the Bengals for a bit and then check email and crawl into bed.

I am living my life and right now Life is Good! I look over at my personal definition of what LiveSTRONG means to me and find that it still applies. That speaks volumes because we all know that every challenge we face, self-imposed or unexpected, forces us to use what resources we have, internally and externally, and find a way to move forward.

And afterall that is always the ultimate goal in life isn't it? To move forward...towards a new life together, towards a faster mararthon, towards the next triathlon, towards remission, towards a college degree, towards a new home, the list is endless and unique to each of us. The Finish Line is not always a physical banner we can touch but there is always a metaphysical "Finish Line" that we are all reaching for as we go through Life.

Life IS Good! LiveSTRONG!

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