Besides who am I to deny my beautiful bike?
So we went with a more colorful choice of tape this season!! I think she looks smashing!


Some "Vouge" Handle Bar Tape!

In terms of tomorrows race, I know that I can do the distances but this will be the first time that I have put them together since April of last year, pre-Interferon. If my run yesterday was any indication... Tomorrow morning could be UGLY!
But not because of anything I am capable of controling or something I didn't do. I have put in the miles on the bike and run and have been consistent in the pool. I think Friday's run was complicated by some oppressive humidity and too many layers of clothes. I am still trying to find a shirt that protects me from the sun but doesn't make me overheat. Friday's combination didn't work well.
In any case, I am looking forward to tomorrow's race - No matter what the day brings!
Enjoy your weekends and Live STRONG!
Sunshine looks fast and ready! Can't wait for that race report. This will be a benchmark race for all the progress to come after interferon.
Go girl!
Can't wait to hear how it went!
I heart white bar tape, but it gets so dang dirty!
very uber!
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