I'm out of town this weekend for the inaugural LIVESTRONG Summit.

What is the LiveSTRONG Summit?
The Lance Armstrong Foundation's inaugural LIVESTRONG Summit is a three-day event to organize, inspire and direct the efforts of cancer survivors from across the country to change the face of cancer survivorship.
The LIVESTRONG Summit is a call to action - LIVESTRONG Summit participants will develop goals and action plans to raise awareness and effect change around the needs of cancer survivors. After the LIVESTRONG Summit, participants will apply the action plans in their own communities and nationwide.
The LIVESTRONG Summit is a call to action - LIVESTRONG Summit participants will develop goals and action plans to raise awareness and effect change around the needs of cancer survivors. After the LIVESTRONG Summit, participants will apply the action plans in their own communities and nationwide.
I'll be back next week! Until then ... you know what to do!
As always, YOU ROCK Holly! Have a BLAST!!
Have a great time, Holly. The weather should be great...
Say HEY! to Lance for me!
Have a great time...
I'm counting on you to share everything you learned at the Summit!
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