I got *NEW* GEAR in the mail last night!! YEAH! I love presents to myself. I'll list my gear later today but for now, here are soem pictures from 10 of this past weeks 16 miles of running!

JINGLE ALL THE WAY, BABY! Holly at the Jingle Bell 10K on Dec 11th

Holly and Nancy running in DC at the Christmas Tree Run - Dec 16th ... picture by *Jeanne*
More later ....
New gear makes you run faster and makes running more fun. Enjoy!
I will show u mine if u show me yours...(winter gears, of course.. :) )
hey, you're playin' my song!:
Merry Christmas to me, Merry Christmas to me...
Jingle on!! Live Strong!
You know you're a "tri-geek" when you get pumped up about running gear.
Merry Christmas to you. Thank's for all of the motivation that you give to me on a daily basis. Your drive and determination are second to none. Reading your blog gives me a dose of reality that make all of my problems appear trivial. Reading your blog reminds me to pay attention to the important things in life. You Go Girl!!! Live Strong!!!! I have nominated your blog for most insperational at Tri Geek Dreams.
benny and i bought some cold-weather riding gear for ourselves last week. yea... christmas is this weekend so i'm going to wrap everything up and put them under the tree so i don't feel so bad about buying things for myself before christmas.
The red one! the red one! I looove the red one!!!!
Merry Christmas! :-)
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