Monday, August 22, 2005

Long Run Accomplished!

The sense of accomplishment that I feel after this week is tremendous. I got a whole lot done and felt physically good most of the time. I was pretty tired on Friday but two days off left me with plenty of energy to get a long run/walk in.

I estimate that I covered a minimum of 8 miles on my 140 minute workout on Sunday probably closer to 9-10 miles total. Jim and I were at Summit Point Raceway in West Virginia for the weekend and I managed to get my long run done early Sunday morning; in and around the forest trails that surround the three race tracks.

The looks that I got from people were priceless. I was the most out of place runner ever! Here are all these men and a handful of woman prepping race cars and motorcycles for a day of racing on a track and then there was me, in all my sweaty glory, running and walking to the beep of my watch.

Most of my run was only witnessed by the cicadas and other bugs in the woods but there was about 20 minutes of exposure to humans necessary to get to the trails. About half the people would wave hello and the other half looked at me as if I was out of my mind. Since it was already pretty hot, I was convince in the first 45 minutes that perhaps I was out of my mind but a GU, a fresh bottle of water and the shade of the woods quickly changed all that.

My long run was downright pleasant! And so was the weekend on the whole for that matter!

It's Monday and I am only a little tired and the schedule calls for a REST day! Yeah for Monday!

Everybody Live STRONG this week! That is my plan as well!


Nancy Toby said...

Yay Holly! That is exceedingly awesome you were able to do that kind of mileage! You are ON YOUR WAY TO MARINE CORPS MARATHON, girl!!!

:) said...

Great job, Holly! That is awesome!

Keep up the good work and enjoy your rest day (I know I am...)!