Monday, September 19, 2005

Recovery Day

I have grown to really love Mondays because Mondays are "Recovery Day". I take the shuttle instead of walking the mile to and from the Metro station. I don't concern myself with my workout schedule for the week for 24 hours and I generally try to enjoy myself.

Today, my recovery day is plague by a headache and a constant stomach ache which can be directly attributed to 3 weeks back at 10 million units of Interferon - 3x a week. It would be nice if Dr. Butler would cut my dose in half again tomorrow but in all likelihood that won't happen. I wish there were a way to cut down on the side effects and still get as high a "low dose" as possible. Until somebody figures out a better solution, I have actually started taking the occassional TUMS. Sometimes they help.. sometimes they don't. At least they have calcium so it is not a complete waste.

Yesterday marked the start of week 12 out of 48! Only 36 more to go!

I wonder how close these Tums really are to eating chalk. I suspect they are closer than I think!


:) said...

Chalk would be cheaper for sure...

Nancy Toby said...

When I first glanced at that photo, I thought it was a box of tampons. :-)

There are some pretty good-tasting Rolaids and Tums out there, but I agree about Rolaids tasting better. :-) They also have magnesium in them. I use them on very long runs sometimes for calcium and magnesium. (Magnesium reduces cramping).