We did it!! And here we are at the finish with our "Finisher Coins". 11.2 miles in 2:23:00 and our pace through mile 5 was solid 11:00 miles! Heather had us cruising between the walk breaks and it was feeling good!
Yes, you read it right. 11.2 miles completed. There was some kind of security emergency and they rerouted the course just before the 8 mile point.
Race Report to follow later tonight! Live STRONG!!
Actualy, they're announcing now that it was 11.5 miles.
Yay!! You did it and you did it STRONG! And you look GREAT! Congratulations!!!!
YAY! Way to GO!!! Extra miles, extra SMILES!!
You did it! Brava!!!
Oh, Holly, you did it, you did it, I am so happy!
It couldn't be more fitting.... Holly, who always goes the extra mile...
That's an outstanding pace, especially with the extra mile thrown in. Well done! What a great boost before MCM
Great job, especially with the little bonus mile and a half thrown in!
I love the pictures! You look victorious!! You ARE!
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