Wednesday, August 23, 2006

This and That

To all my family members and close family friends who keep stopping in to see if I have posted the Baby Shower BLOG and Pictures yet - HAVE FAITH, that post will come. I have regretably been having problems with getting the pictures exported but I hope to have it resolved before the weeks end.
So as I mentioned before, I have some events coming up in the next six weeks (LiveSTRONG Challenge 70 Mile BIKE and Maine 1/2 Marathon) whose distances demand that I get back "in the saddle" and "on the road". With my calf muscle healed, I headed out on Sunday and did my first 20 mile bike ride *since* Bike VA in late June.

I really didn't plan to be off the bike for that long ... it just happened that way between injuries, illness and other priorities.

I am happy to say that 20 miles felt great and I'm gunning for a solid 30-40 mile long ride this weekend along with a short 20 miler later this week.

On the running front, things are slow but steady. I have been walking as much as I can but last night was my first official RUN since the injury so I was feeling very anxious. I started out really slow with some run/walking and promised myself that this was a *2 mile* workout. No need to go and try to pack on the miles too quickly.

The running portions of the workout felt good! No pain and lots of sweat! Today my quads are a little sore, in a good way and I woke up with that familiar feeling that I hadn't realized I missed. I wish I could put the feeling into words but I don't have words for it... it just feel familiar and comforting, like I can finally breathe deeper again.

So today will be a rest day since Jim and I have a big trip to the commissary planned and tomorrow I will head out an do another 2 mile run. I am feeling encouraged enough to resurect the old "Weekly Workout" portion of the side bar.

Nancy was talking in her post today about how she get excited over Handle Bar tape instead of jewelry, clothes or makeup. I can definatley relate! I am waiting on a new pair of running shoes. They are Brooks Adrenaline GTS 6 ...they are SOOOOO cool and bright yellow! I can wait till they arrive on my doorstep!

Pretty New Shoes!!

I'm a triathlon gear geek and PROUD OF IT!

Life is Good! Live STRONG and enjoy your day!


:) said...

Glad the 20 was easy for you...!

Sweet shoes. Make sure you take a picture of you modeling them for us when they get here.

*jeanne* said...

Sounds like it all is going GREAT!

I LOVE the yellow shoes.

(JEEZ - I need new running shoes, too. SOON. Like NOW.

Congrats on being back in the saddle! :-)

Bolder said...

the Official Shoe of Bolder is the Brooks Adrenaline GTS... i have three pairs (one destroyed in Florida, one getting worn down, and one trail pair)... i thought it was dumb getting a fourth.

but, hello yellow!

Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Oooo! Pretty shoes! Nothing like some new shoes and a great workout to get you back in the groove. The workouts sounds great! Keep it up.

Carver said...

Hey Holly,

Thanks so much for your support. Great reading about your upcoming races. I'll have to live vicarously through your training for a while (not to say I was ever was a triathlete or any kind of athlete for that matter like you are). Still, I do know that feeling you describe after running, and also also don't know how to put it into words. For me it involves a deep sense of calm while at the same time the music sounds clearer. I came to running early and late with a big break in the middle but there's nothing like it. Thanks again for your encouragement and I'll look forward to hearing how your upcoming races go. Take care, Carver