Our Hostess with the Mostest! Heather

Our Host and Hostess for the weekend! Rich & Heather

Rocky - The Snuggler

Oscar (Meyer Weiner Dog)

Hurley - The Enforcer

Marley - Looks can be decieving

The SHIRTS! Front - 13.1

The SHIRTS! Back !!
Race Morning - Ready to go! 13.1 (x 3)

GO! The front of the pack ...

United We Stand!
On the road with "I'm Knocked Up" & "I'm Broken"
Slow and Steady - Finishing the Race!
Another year, another medal! Cathy, wish you were here!!
Come Play with me!

Leave me alone kid!

Now I'm up - Let's PLAY!

Myrtle Beach Metric Century on Sunday (Jim is in red and yellow)

Strong Finish after a COLD ride (35 degrees - BRR!)

Finisher's Medal!!
A Happy Couple - Chilled!!
Couch Potato Olympics - Jim post-ride with Cat Warmers...
Oscar - a tired puppy!

Mommy & Baby GT (in Utero) on the Beach!!
Jim and I had a wonderful weekend! We are looking forward to 2007 and a "Return to the RUN"!! Love you Heather, Rich and the GT ZOO!
Your shirts are great! Love the photos, thanks for posting them! But you are so NOT broken!! Love the kitties, too!
Uh oh, if sis has more than one.... I'll wait before I give more of our baby stuff to charity, she may need it!!!
Sorry but what is IM broken?
Geez.those are nice pics..especially the pets..it is as if they actually pose and let u take those pics (maybe they did)...
Yikes!! Tell the Dr. we were kidding with the "x 2" ...
The "I'M BROKEN" was in reference to my knee ... I couldn't think of a better expression for the shirt...
My sister takes pictures of her pets all the time .. I think they are used to a camera and flash so they are very photogenic...
I loooooooove those T-shirts! I'm so happy that you and your sister got to go after all that hooo-haha.
The picture of that cat sitting on his butt is hilarious. Looks like something you'd see on a greeting card or something.
Those shirts are the greatest!
Thanks for sharing a great race!
HA! What a fun set of photos. Those were great race shirts. Did you make them yourself?
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